时间:2025-01-17 14:48:54

“Prol, the Behemoth has guarded the entrance of hell for thousands of years. As a descendant of humanity, you must guard the gates of hell and never let evil dogs slip into the world.”[普罗米修斯,贝希摩斯家族已镇守地狱入口长达千年。作为人类的后裔,你要守住地狱的大门,绝不能让恶犬溜进人间。]
“Prol, this’s your sister. Look at how cute she is.”
“The Behemoth was once the king who ruled Titan. But due to disrespect for God, Titan was destroyed, and the king had to wander with his people. In the lonely universe, life is hard to find. Our ancestors woke up from their cold dormant chambers and witnessed our parent star collapse from a red dwarf into a butterfly nebula. Our home planet has disappeared, and we no longer have a home. Where else can it become our home again? Only the Earth is willing to accept us outsiders. In return, we made a promise to become the evil dog at their doorstep and manage outsiders like us for them.”[贝希摩斯家族,曾是统治泰坦星的王。因为对神不敬,泰坦星覆灭,王不得不带着他的子民流浪。孤寂的宇宙里,生命难寻,我们的祖先从冰冷的休眠舱中醒来,曾亲眼目睹我们的母星由一颗红矮星坍缩成一片蝴蝶星云。母星消亡,我们已经没有家了。哪里还能再成为我们的家?只有地球肯收留我们这些外乡人。作为报答,我们许下诺言,会成为他们家门口的恶犬,替他们管理和我们一样的外乡人。]
“Prometheus, the earth is our second home. This scepter has been passed down from generation to generation, and now it is in your hands. It is your responsibility to protect it. Just like our ancestors guarding Titan.”[普罗米修斯,地球是我们的第二个家。这权杖代代相传,如今交到你手上,你有责任保护好它。像我们的先辈守护泰坦星那样。]
“Your Majesty, there is something I need to report to you.”[陛下,有件事需要向您汇报。]少年身穿燕尾服,向临窗而立的青年虔诚行礼。
青年从回忆中回过神来,问:“Spencer, what\'s up?”[斯宾塞,什么事?]
“According to our intelligence, a person with the same surname as Behemoth has appeared in San Francisco, USA. Her strength cannot be underestimated. She once assisted Zhi Gong Tang, a local organization, in suppressing most of the main force of the trade union. Moreover, our people have observed that she also seems to have extremely strong self-healing abilities.”[根据我们的情报,美国旧金山那边,出现了一个姓氏也叫贝希摩斯的人。她实力不可小觑,曾协助致公堂,当地的一个组织,剿灭了工会的大半主力。而且,我们的人观察到,她似乎也拥有极强的自愈力。]
青年圻身玉立,声音清越,兀自叹气,“Behemoth, has this surname been passed down to the USA? Or did they create other monsters?Go investigate.”[贝希摩斯,这个姓氏已经传到美国那边了吗?还是他们创造了什么怪物?去查。]
“Who’s it?”感受到一瞬间不寻常的波动,青年一转之前的优雅祥和,警惕看向角落,目光如喙。
“Your Majesty……”
“Maybe... is an interesting time traveler.”青年笑不达眼底。
“Your Majesty, the Queen has invited you to attend the first United Nations General Assembly.”[陛下,女王向您发出邀请,请您务必参加首届联合国大会。]
“The United Nations General Assembly?”[联合国大会?]
“Yea, the United Nations General Assembly will be held at St. James\'s Palace in London. At that time, 51 countries will send representatives to attend. As the king of aliens, you should speak and express your position at this meeting.”[是的,联合国大会,它将在伦敦的圣詹姆斯宫举行。届时,会有51个国家派代表出席,您作为外星人的王,理应在这次会上发言,表明立场。]
“Your Majesty, I’m sorry that the person has disappeared. We speculate that it’s very likely that Hong Shiquan hid her. Do we need to negotiate with Hong Shiquan?”[陛下,我很抱歉,人消失了。我们猜测,很可能是洪世全把她藏起来了。我们需要去和洪世全交涉吗?]
“No need. She is your kind, not mine, there\'s no need for that.”[不用。她是你们的同类,不是我的同类,不必如此。]
“Your Majesty,The USA has established a biotechnology company called Behemoth. The patents they applied for are all related to cell repair.”[陛下,美国成立了一家名叫贝希摩斯的生物科技公司。他们申请的专利均与细胞修复有关。]
“Go find out who they are and what they want to do behind them.”[去查查他们背后是谁,想要做什么。]
“Your Majesty, our people have brought a piece of news that you will definitely be interested in.”[陛下,我们的人带来了一则消息,您一定会感兴趣。]
“oh?Spencer, what\'s the news?”[哦?斯宾塞,什么消息?]
“Behemoth, the American company, discovered a dragon in the Mariana Trench. It is the only dragon in the world, and we believe it has slept for at least a thousand years.”[贝希摩斯,美国那家公司,在马里亚纳海沟发现了一条龙。它是这个世界上唯一的一条龙,最少沉睡了一千年。]
“Antes de que los sue?os (o el terror) Tejan mitos y orígenes cósmicos, antes de que el tiempo se integre en la vida, hay un océano, hay un océano eterno. [①] Brother, did our ancestors stand on the sea like this and patrol their territory with this calm mood?”[在梦幻(或是恐怖)编织起神话和宇宙起源的学说以前,在时间铸入日子以前,曾经存在过大海,曾经也有过永远的大海。[①]哥哥,我们的祖先是否就是像这样站在海上,以这种平静的心情来巡视自己的领土的呢?]
“This dragon seems to have arrived on Earth earlier than our ancestors. You see how sweet it sleeps in the crater... ”在不见天光的深海中,女人巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮,如在自家花园里那般悠闲自在地行走着,“Perhaps it is the ancestor of many animals on this planet. My Brother, are you sure you want to kill it?”[这条龙似乎比我们的祖先要先来到地球呢。您看它在火山口睡得多么甜美……说不定,这颗星球上的许多动物都得管它叫一声老祖宗。哥哥,您确定要将它杀死吗?]
“It seems that someone is there. ”女人有所察觉般望向波光粼粼的海面,“Is there anyone in this world who can make the ocean their home?”[似乎有人呢。在这个世界上,竟然还有人能把海洋当成自家的家吗?]
“Maybe that one.”青年站在海面上,目光微沉。[也许是那个人也说不定。]
“Brother, what happened just now?”望着海面上怦然溅起的巨大浪花,女人握紧了手中的短剑。[哥哥,刚才发生了什么?]
青年凝重看向科学号——在那里,已死的蛟龙正在缓慢沉入海中,“The dragon is dead.”[龙死了。]
“You just……”[是您刚才……]
“No, it\'s not me. It\'s her.”他看向已经空旷无人的甲板,心绪复杂,“这颗星球上的人类,总是出乎我等预料。不过……This is a good trip. We found a very interesting woman. Aphrodite, isn\'t it?She seems to be stronger than us all.”[不,不是我。是她。这是一趟不错的行程。我们发现了一个很有意思的女人。阿佛洛狄忒,不是吗?她似乎比我们都强。]
尤其是在他脱离出时间轴线,回到大罗洞观的空间里后,他在他背后突然听到这样一句问话:“Have you finished reading?”[看完了吗?]
这章花了我一天的时间来写– _ –
第111章 联合国令(一)
“Time traveler, I have caught you.”[时间旅客,我抓到你了。]
“What do I want to do?”阿佛洛狄忒声音柔和,偏头想着时,微微眯起了眼睛,将娇憨演绎得淋漓尽致,“So,what are you doing?Little Boy。”
“你别欺负我听不懂英语!”他被“little boy”这个词语刺激到了,整个人瞬间都不好了。
这边,眼看她起了要逗小孩子的心思,普罗米修斯及时制止了她,“Aphrodite,She\'s in front。”
意思是:Don\'t waste time。